NLG Prepares Mass Defense Legal Support Ahead of May Day Protests

Contact: King Downing, NLG Mass Defense Director 212-679-5100, ext. 14 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2017 The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) is preparing legal support for activists and organizations planning protests on International Workers Day May 1st, or May Day.  Local NLG chapters are holding “know your rights” and Legal Observer trainings ahead […]

Legal Observers’ testimony opposing confirmation of Peter Newsham as DC Police Chief

Three individuals who were arrested while serving as NLG Legal Observers during the #J20 protests on Inauguration Day submitted this testimony to the DC City Council in opposition to Peter Newsham (currently Interim Police Chief) being confirmed as the permanent Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Chief of Police, citing: “His disrespect for First Amendment rights as […]

Anti-Boycott Bills Are Part of Wider Crackdown on Protest

By Chip Gibbons, Policy and Legislative Counsel at Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foundation A number of commentators have noted two different trends. First, across the nation Republican lawmakers are pushing for bills criminalizing protests. Second, a number of state legislatures have passed or considered, often at the impetus of Democratic lawmakers, bills aimed at […]

New Anti-Protesting Legislation: A Deeper Look

By Traci Yoder, NLG Director of Research and Education In recent weeks, multiple articles have pointed to the wave of new anti-protesting bills introduced in state legislatures since the end of 2016. The Intercept, Washington Post, AlterNet, Democracy Now!, and other news outlets have provided overviews of the types of bills under consideration, the potential […]

25 Legal Organizations to Hold #LawStrikesBack Actions at Courthouses Nationwide During F17 General Strike

UPDATE: See this announcement for #LawStrikesBack press coverage and an updated list of all 40 co-sponsoring organizations and events that took place in 17 cities! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2017 Contact: Tasha Moro, NLG Communications Director 212-679-5100, ext. 15 | NEW YORK—The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) is organizing a day of action for […]

Army Corps Will Grant Easement for DAPL – Waives Notification Period

Water Protector Legal Collective is outraged by the U.S. Department of the Army’s notification to Congress today that it intends to grant the easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to drill under the Missouri River at Lake Oahe in North Dakota. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ stated intention to disregard its policy of […]

Legal Community Strikes Back on #F17!

UPDATE: See below for press coverage of #LawStrikesBack! Join the event on Facebook! At 1 PM (ET) on Friday, Feb. 17 (#F17), #LawStrikesBack! Lawyers, legal workers, law students, paralegals, court interpreters, investigators, social service advocates, and others who work in the courts will gather in front of courthouses across the country in coordination with […]

NLG Calls on DC Prosecutors to Drop All Charges against J20 Demonstrators, Legal Observers and Journalists

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 2, 2017 Contact: Tasha Moro, NLG Communications Director (212) 679-5100, ext. 15 | NEW YORK—The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) calls on prosecutors to drop all remaining charges against the 200+ demonstrators, Legal Observers (LOs) and members of the press who were arrested on Friday, January 20, after thousands of demonstrators […]

FAQ for J20 Arrestees

ATTN: #J20/#DisruptJ20/Inauguration arrestees: Please see these important FAQ page by the DC-NLG Demonstration Support Committee with important contacts, info about next steps in the legal process, and more:

Lawsuit Challenges DC Police Dept’s Unlawful Use of Chemical & “Less Lethal” Weapons, Felony Riot Charges on J20

Above: DC Metro Police kettling protesters at 12th and L St. NW. (Photo: Cynthia Tarana) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2017 Contact: Tasha Moro, NLG Communications Director (212) 679-5100, ext. 15 | WASHINGTON, D.C.— On Friday, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) unlawfully detained and arrested 222 protesters, bystanders, journalists, and NLG Legal Observers while […]