2024 NLG Leonard Weinglass Fellow: Rachel Marandett

The National Lawyers Guild Foundation and NLG National Office are excited to announce the recipient of the 2024 Leonard I. Weinglass Memorial Fellowship, Rachel Marandett! A 2024 J.D. graduate from NYU School of Law and former NYU-NLG Board Member, Rachel is committed to advocating for peoples self-determination, supporting global liberation movements, dismantling Western imperialism, and […]

NLG Condemns Attacks on Gaza Solidarity Encampments

April 25th, 2024 The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) unequivocally condemns the ongoing repression of pro-Palestinian activism taking place on university campuses across the country. The NLG is firm in its support for a free Palestine, and is against Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and occupation of the West Bank. The violent and unprovoked attacks by […]

Statement in Support of Columbia Students and NLG Legal Observers

April 18, 2024 The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) expresses solidarity with the students of Columbia University, who are currently exercising their First Amendment rights through a sit-in at their school. The NLG fully supports the students’ demands for Columbia University to stop aiding the State of Israel in its genocide against Palestinians. The NLG also […]

National Lawyers Guild Response to UC Berkeley Law Student Protests for Palestine, Professor Uses Physical Force.

National Lawyers Guild Response: April 10, 2024, UC Berkeley Law Student Protests for Palestine, Professor Uses Physical Force. The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns the incident on April 10, 2024, at University of California Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professor Catherine Fisk’s home. Dean Chemerinsky and Professor Fisk invited law students for a […]

Statement on Stop Cop City Burner Phone Evidence

February 12, 2024 The judge presiding over the trial of Ayla King in Fulton County, Georgia recently allowed the State’s arguments that use of a “burner” phone by an activist may be admissible as evidence of criminal intent. King is one of the 61 co-defendants charged with violating Georgia’s expansive RICO Act for opposing the […]

National Lawyers Guild Statement on the ICJ Order of Provisional Measures in South Africa’s Case Against Israel 

“Third States are now on notice of the existence of a serious risk of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They must, therefore, also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by Israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the Genocide Convention, including by aiding or assisting in the […]

NLG and NLG International Committee Say Hands Off Yemen!

National Lawyers Guild and National Lawyers Guild International Committee condemn in the strongest possible terms the bombing of the country of Yemen by the United States and the United Kingdom. We call on states, human rights and legal organizations, and popular movements to Act Swiftly to pressure the U.S. to stop this Imperialist War. On […]

Statement on Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

The Texas Supreme Court’s decision to deny Kate Cox the right to an abortion is a continued affront to the reproductive liberty of all women and birthing people in the state of Texas. We unequivocally denounce this ruling. While Texas has one of the harshest anti-abortion laws in the country, it carved out special medical […]