Donate to Support the Haywood Burns Fellowships

We need your help to support the next generation of people's lawyers!

For over 50 years, the NLG has been funding the summer work of law students and legal workers seeking to build their progressive lawyering skills. The Haywood Burns Fellowships for Social and Economic Justice provide an alternative vision of what lawyers can do: a vision that too few law students are exposed to during their three years in the classroom.

The fellowship program provides financial support and mentorship to law students and legal workers through self-designed summer projects with organizations of their choice. Each fellow will receive a $3,000 stipend to help offset expenses while they work with public interest organizations engaging in essential legal services in underserved communities. This initial exposure to movement lawyering with the guidance of like-minded mentors offers a unique experience to those pursuing a legal career dedicated to social justice.

Please join us in remembering Haywood’s legacy by donating to support our fellows! 

Gifts to the National Lawyers Guild are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the Haywood Burns Fellowships, please donate to the National Lawyers Guild Foundation by clicking on this link.

If you would like to make this donation in honor of someone special, please click here.

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