Welcoming the Newest NLG Review Board Members!

Introducing the new board members of the NLG Review! The NLG Review is the NLG’s intellectual journal which aims to publish timely, insightful articles that address and respond to the interests and needs of the progressive legal and activist communities. lt has been on hiatus since late Fall 2020, as we have been strategizing ways […]

Guild Notes & Beyond Bars Submission Guidelines

Deadline for Spring/Summer 2024 issue: June 15, 2024 Submit to Guild Notes! Guild Notes is the official, biannual newsletter of the National Lawyers Guild. Each publication includes news from our members, committees, and chapters nationwide. Since 2015, the Beyond Bars column has featured the writing, artwork, and poetry of NLG jailhouse lawyers. If you plan […]

NLG Review: Vol. 73, No. 1 (Spring 2016)

The Color of Pain: Blacks and the U.S. Health Care System—Can the Affordable Care Act Help to Heal a History of Injustice? Part II by Jennifer M. Smith Watching the Watchers: Monitoring Police Performance as Public Servants by Karl T. Muth & Nancy Jack Ending the Unconstitutional Torture of Three-Drug Lethal Injections: A Rebuke of […]