About IC

About IC

The NLG IC plays an active role in international conferences, delegations and on-going projects that examine and seek to remedy conditions caused by illegal U.S. or corporate pracitices. By bringing an alternative perspective to multinational institutions, schools, community centers and congressional hearings, the IC and its members actively educate, litigate, and truth-seek toward the end of social justice.

This committee has done work in Cuba, the Middle East, Korea, Haiti, and several other countries. Through participating in these projects members can build their skills and network. The cost of joining the International Committee is $25.

*NOTE: The International Committee has many subcommittees that focus on specific locations. There are also subcommittees for various human rights issues. For a complete list of their Subcommittees and additional contacts, please visit the International Committee website at nlginternational.org, and follow them at facebook.com/NLGIC.

Get involved with us today and be part of building a more peaceful and just world!