The Dangers of Deregulation Under Trump and Pence

By Traci Yoder, NLG Director of Research and Education On December 14th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote whether to end what is popularly known as “net neutrality.” Citing the previous administration’s “heavy handed Internet regulation,” current FCC Chair Ajit Pai proposes “returning to the longstanding light-touch regulatory framework for the Internet and restoring […]

NLG Members Release Film, ZEDEs: Neocolonialism and Land Grabbing in Honduras

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Sullivan, Producer | 831.239.6853 A delegation from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) traveled to Honduras in August 2015 to produce a film documenting the looming threat of the first semi-autonomous zones, known as Zones for Economic Development and Employment (ZEDEs).  The film titled, ZEDEs:  Neocolonialism and land grabbing in Honduras is […]