CLEs (Continuing Legal Education)

(Photo: Shanna Merola)

Our full and half-day CLE (Continuing Legal Education) programs offer in-depth, comprehensive perspectives and analysis. Please note: These programs carry fees in addition to regular convention registration. Click the links below for more in-depth descriptions and to register online!

The programs below aren’t the only way to get CLE credit at #Law4thePeople—many of our major panels and workshops also have CLE credit pending!

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

Resistance Lawyering: Fighting for Immigrant Communities and the Rule of LawSponsored by the National Immigration Project of the NLG

Join us on October 16 to learn about innovative strategies to address the Trump administration’s continued assault on immigrant communities and the rule of law. Topics include:

Immigration Litigation in Federal Court · Expedited Removal · Raids and Motions to Suppress · Asylum Updates · Creating a Record and Working with Experts in Immigration Court


Framing Your Case: Building Power through Litigation –  Sponsored by the National Police Accountability Project of the NLG and Law 4 Black Lives

Presented by the National Police Accountability Project, an NLG Project, and Law 4 Black Lives, this day-long seminar addresses building client and community power through litigation strategies. Panelists will discuss tactical approaches for client representation, including:

  • Media work, seizing the narrative, and framing our roles as civil-rights lawyers in context
  • Creative uses of declaratory and injunctive relief to create change
  • Controversial issues, practical concerns, and community inclusion in settlements
  • Crafting robust Monell claims, from pre-litigation to 12(b)(6) motions, discovery, and trial prep strategies
  • Flash reviews of novel and critical issues and ideas in pending litigation from across the country

These interactive discussions will situate our work as police and prison misconduct litigators in the current political moment and in relation to movement work carried out by our clients and communities.


Human Rights for the People: The Gig Economy, Precarity and the Right to Healthcare – Sponsored by the NLG International Committee and Labor & Employment Committee

This CLE will explore contemporary legal strategies for advancing human rights in the “gig economy” amid rising precarity. Speakers will discuss current cases challenging companies like Uber and unique legal strategies to confront precarity. It will also address key human rights issues like the right to healthcare. Discussion will highlight ongoing work around a range of labor issues that address fundamental human rights, including migration, prison labor and the right to organize.

The CLE will include detailed analysis, case histories and strategies for arguing for human rights in court in cases related to precarious labor and major human rights issues, such as the right to a job or the right to healthcare. It will also include a discussion of detailed, successful examples of challenges to Uber and other “gig economy” companies on behalf of precarious workers as well as the intersection of legal work and organizing to defend human rights.