Current Issue

Betsy DeVos and the Voucher Vision of Education

By Brett DeGroff Brett DeGroff is an Assistant Defender with the Michigan State Appellate Defender Office. He is a former Manging Editor of National Lawyers Guild Review. Betsy DeVos’s appointment as United States Secretary of Education might be the best thing to happen to public education in decades. Which is not to say DeVos herself [...]

Editor’s Preface: Winter 2016

By Nathan Goetting After the deregulation of the financial industry during the 1980s and 1990s, banks and other lenders initiated predatory lending practices that, in fairly short order, helped precipitate the near-collapse of the U.S. economy during the “Great Recession” of 2008. Lenders did what they always do when they aren’t compelled to do otherwise—they [...]

Border Town Bullies: The Bad Auto Deal and Subprime Lending Problem Among Navajo Nation Car Buyers

By Megan Horning Introduction Lucille Platero, an elderly Navajo woman, traveled to a border town to purchase a car. She was looking for a small car that fit her budget. Instead, the salespeople had her test drive a large truck. The salespeople forced Ms. Platero to leave her license and social security card at the [...]

Addressing the ICTY after Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadzic

By Alan W. Clarke & David Gespass Introduction A quarter century after mass atrocity crimes raged throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH),2 a sputtering International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has belatedly convicted Radovan Karadžić—“the Butcher of Bosnia”3 and former President of the breakaway Republika Srpska. Sentenced to 40 years imprisonment,5 his crimes6 include [...]

Putting Scalia in Perspective

By David Gespass, Nathan Goetting & Meredith Osborne Donald J. Trump, having somehow become president of the United States, nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit to replace Associate Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia on the Supreme Court. The Senate recently confirmed him and he now sits [...]